How to Sing High Notes Softly

First, I would like to mention that it is quite difficult to sing softly, and even professional singers sometimes find it quite challenging to do so

However, with lots of practice, vocal exercises, and perseverance, it is quite reasonable to expect significant improvements in your ability to sing high notes in general, as well as sing them with a softer cadence and flow. pianissimo

When we try to sing high notes, we usually end up damaging our vocal cords and at the same time, we tend to have poor vocal pitch.

This makes our singing sound really, really terrible.

This is a technique known as  and it is immensely popular in singing circles at present.

However, with practice, we can identify these warning signs and, make use of our ingrained skills for singing high notes softly. Our vocal folds are not usually able to bend to the level of flexibility which is required for hitting high notes, however it can most certainly be done with a significant amount of time, patience and hard work.

It will take lots of time and practice to reach these great, thunderous high notes without putting any pressure on our vocal cords.

Males:Baritone: 2nd F below the middle C to the F above the middle C.Bass: 2nd E below the middle C to the E above the middle C.Tenor: The tenor voice is in between C one octave below the middle C to C one octave above the middle C.

Females:Alto: Almost from the G below the middle C to the F in the 2nd octave above the middle CSoprano: The soprano voice is between the middle C and the high CMezzo Soprano: Usually the A below the middle C to the A a couple of octaves above the A3

woman singing up close to microphone with ring and hand wrapped around it.

Just because you might be dreaming of imitating Bon Jovi does not imply that you will be able to hit the high notes impeccably. As mentioned earlier throughout this post, it will certainly take a great deal of training and skill to accomplish a well-rounded singing voice in general, but most definitely for perfecting the higher vocal ranges.

In fact, it is recommended not to damage your vocal cords by even attempting to sing high notes when you’re a beginner, as it might even prevent you from singing in the future due to vocal damage.

Be sure to always implement a great vocal warm up routine before any activity – it’s for your protection!

The majority of individuals are not able to sing high notes without putting unwanted pressure on the cords since the natural range of most people happens to be approximately one octave to two octaves.

Here we would like to mention that several top quality singers are endowed with even 4+ octaves.

However, it is not innate and they achieve all these by intensive practice. Learn more about singing here.

It is extremely important to be aware of your vocal cords and you’ll be able to become a good singer by selecting the proper keys as well as repertoire. The most important thing is that you need to enjoy yourself while training and this will help you to get the best results.

In the following steps, I will explain how to begin to prepare yourself to be able to sing high notes softly and actually execute a well-sung high note. My hope is that, with time and practice, and by following these steps closely, you’ll be able to sharpen your high notes whilst having them sound soft and clear.

Read After: How to Play Guitar and Sing at the Same Time

Step One: Facial Relaxation

The wrong idea is to try and sing a high note by opening your mouth wider, exhaling more air to get the job done.

This is not going to help your singing ability and there is a high possibility for you to get injured in the process. Instead, it is more prudent to relax the face and the mouth prior to singing.

Try to massage the fleshy area below your chin by utilizing your fingers to loosen up the muscles.

Also, make it a point to scrunch up your face by opening your mouth, as well as your eyes, as far as possible.

This process should be repeated several times so as to obtain the best results. Also, a big yawn will help to stretch your face as well as your jaw.

Furthermore, stretch your neck and shoulders so as to get rid of the tension that might build up there while singing.

Step Two: Breathe

Breathing properly will play an important role in singing the high notes without putting any unwanted strain on your vocal cords.

Start by practicing the inhalation of deep breaths by placing your hand on the diaphragm.

Make it a point not to raise your shoulders whilst taking a deep breath.

Continue this process until you feel the diaphragm expand. Next, release the breath gradually while making a “shhhhh” sound without any sort of interruption while doing so.

Release a clean and gradual “shhhhh” till you run out of breath.

This workout will enable you to support your sound cleanly by using your breath without any need to push.

It is important to be aware of the fact that a big and clear sound can be achieved by controlling your diaphragm and not by puffing out your chest and raising your shoulders.

Step Three: Hit the Higher Notes During your Vocal Warm-Up

Make an “mmmmm” sound and try to feel this sound echoing in your head. Imagine clearly the sound reonsating throughout your entire conscious thought.

It is important for a clear and full sound to be projected outward, as well as a vibration in the sinuses around your forehead and nose to be clearly and sharply resonating.

Try to feel the resonation of the sound on your lips.

Begin by singing a note on an “mmm” sound at the bottom of your range, and then make an “ahhhh” sound by opening your mouth.

The identical feeling of vibration must be maintained in your head for both these sounds.

Repeat the sound till you’re able to get to your vocal break. Try to maintain an even and clear tone even at the break where you have to change into head voice. It is vital to achieve a clean switch between these two.

Try to hit the peak of your range by moving higher up the scale in the head voice.

Instead of creating any resonance in your head, the attention ought to be on how high your note is.

While moving up the scale, try to achieve a clean and clear sound without focusing on the note.

Soon, you will discover that you are able to sing higher using this particular exercise than what was once possible. 

The only thing left is further practice and emphasis on these 3 steps for improved vocal performance.

You can easily hit the high notes without causing any strain on your vocal cords by mastering the “mmmmm” sound and then modifying it into the “ahhhh” open singing sound.

Bear in mind not to push yourself while doing so, and instead, try to feel effortless. Practicing this exercise on a regular basis will enable you to sing the high notes softly and more confidently.

One last thing to note is that singing high notes softly is an advanced technique, you should look for a comprehensive singing program if you’re just starting out or are more intermediate, and incorporate these advanced techniques for overall vocal improvement.

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