Barry Gray
Barry has worked as a freelance writer for over a decade and has developed an eye for detail when it comes to unearthing cool and interesting facts. Covering a wide array of subjects throughout his career, the opportunity to write about something he loves in music was a chance he could not afford to miss.
His love of music stems from his student days checking out up and coming bands playing in the darkest corners of bars and clubs in Edinburgh. Most never made it to the big time, but it opened his eyes to a world of live music that was raw and unfiltered. Through that, he developed an understanding of the emotion that can be attached to music.
The love of uncovering something new also remains with him. With an appreciation for music that’s best described as eclectic, his musical tastes range from Eric Clapton to Eminem through to Snow Patrol and Incubus. The memories that music can bring back to the fore is something he tries to portray in his writing.
For him, the voyage of discovery and unearthing something new is what makes this task of writing for so interesting.