31 Best Songs About Flowers (Of All Time)

There have been many songs about gorgeous flowers over the years. Flowers are frequently used in music to depict a relationship, whether blooming or fading. The phrase “flowers” may appear in the lyrics of some of the songs listed below, while others are about flowers as a subject.

1. “Every Rose Has Its Thorn” by Poison

Poison - Every Rose Has Its Thorn (Official Music Video)

Love may be wonderful, but it’s far from flawless, as Poison points out in their number-one single. This 1988 power ballad epitomizes the peak of hair metal.

The song is about a failed love relationship, and Brett Michaels wrote it. He was on the road when he dialed his girlfriend’s number, only to be interrupted by a man’s voice. The romance ended just as his career was gaining traction, but it provided us a love ballad about the growing distance between two lovers on the verge of heartbreak.

Next: Songs about long distance relationships

2. “Life is a Flower” by Ace Base

Ace of Base - Life Is a Flower (Official Music Video)

Ace of Base’s song “Flowers” is another on the list of songs about flowers. This song was written to focus on the better aspects of life. Flowers are often referred to and described as art, as previously said.

Ace of Base wanted to wake people up to the idea that life is half full and beautiful. Flowers are part of the song since they have a reputation for making people happy. This is factual, especially with bright flowers with happy personalities, such as sunflowers.

Next: Best songs about happiness to listen to (happy tracks)

3. “For The Roses” by Joni Mitchell

Joni Mitchell’s 1972 album’s title track examines the glaring spotlight of celebrity and the artist’s function as a cog in a significant revenue machine. The flowers mentioned in the song title but not in the lyrics represent the adoration that Mitchell, who had fled north to Canada, dissatisfied with the consequences of her financial and critical success, finds unsettling. “They start bringing out the hammers, the boards, and the nails just as you’re getting a taste for worship.” While some may urge you to take a moment to smell the roses, Joni may counsel you to flee as quickly as possible.

4. “Like a Rose” by Ashley Monroe

Ashley Monroe - Like A Rose (Official Video)

In her young life, the narrator of this 2013 country song has suffered a great deal of tragedy. The dad died when she was just 13 years old, and her family began to fall apart. As a means of escaping her home environment, she had to marry an inappropriate man too soon.

Despite her poor choices and circumstances, the narrator might marvel at how she has managed to emerge as a rose.

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5. “Supermarket Flowers” by Ed Sheeran

Ed Sheeran - Supermarket Flowers (Music Video)

In this 2017 pop song, old photographs, wilting grocery flowers, and get-well cards are painful reminders of the narrator’s newly dead mother. They depict “fond memories of a life lived.” The narrator is naturally sad and heartbroken that the angel in his life has returned home.

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6. “Kiss From a Rose” by Seal

Seal - Kiss From A Rose (Official Music Video) + Lyrics (HQ - High Quality)

Officially released in the mid-90s, the hit song sold more the eight million records worldwide. Seal, a British singer, recorded the song. Alongside its massive record sales, the track had earned significant honors. At its debut, those familiar with Kiss from a Rose were curious about its inspiration. It’s no wonder that the fans were intrigued by the music. Seal, unfortunately, never went into great detail about his motives. Instead, he stated that a relationship inspired the song.

Next: Best 90s love songs (our list of favorites)

7. “The Rose” by Bette Midler

Bette Midler - the Rose

Miss M was in her heyday when she produced this 1979 pop classic. Her voice felt heavenly. Her hit song expresses that love can be brutal and painful and has a redeeming beauty.

Next: Top 1970s love songs of the decade

8. “Lotus Flower” by Radiohead

Radiohead - Lotus Flower

Your knowledge about the lotus flower can help you interpret the song. The lotus blossom is a Buddhist emblem of unity, purity, and enlightenment. It emerges from the muck and blooms above the murky water surface. Lotus flowers are reported to have psychedelic qualities in some varieties.

In this 2011 rock song, the writer explains his desire to his sweetheart to an addiction, and uses the lotus flower as a metaphor for their tight bond.

Next: Top songs with figurative language usage (similies, metaphors, etc.)

9. “Run For The Roses” by Dan Fogelberg

We all adore baby horses. Released in 1982, this soft rock is the unofficial Kentucky Derby theme. It praises the fate of a newborn cold.

Aside from lush meadows, the baby thoroughbred appears destined to mature and compete in the world’s most prestigious horse event, the Kentucky Derby.

This is a three-year-old horse race known as ‘The Most Exciting Two Minutes In Sports.’ A blanket of roses is also placed over the winning horse.

Next: The absolute best songs about spring and springtime ever

10. “Bed of Roses” by Bon Jovi

Bed Of Roses - Bon Jovi (Lyrics) 🎵

It was all about the ”swagger” when Bon Jovi broke through in the late 1980s. Mr. Jovi had softened substantially by 1993 when his Keep the Faith album was released. The most popular hit from the album was Bed of Roses.

This song was only one of many that demonstrated the band’s transformation into a more mature sound. This song is nearly six and a half minutes long, which is considered long by today’s standards. Jovi was regarded as one of the best songwriters of his generation, and this song was written in a hotel room while he was drunk and mourning his wife. On the Billboard Hot 100, Bed of Roses peaked at number ten.

11. “Marigold” by Nirvana

Kurt Cobain was a fan of herbaceous sunflowers. While Nirvana’s drummer Dave Grohl wrote and recorded the original in 1992, Nirvana’s version, released as a B-side to Heart-Shaped Box in 1993, is most remembered.

Next: Top cover songs of all time (our list of favs)

12. “Build Me Up Buttercup” by The Foundations

Build Me Up Buttercup

The basis of this song is that the more the guy’s partner betrays his vows, the more he pursues her. He wonders why she continuously builds him up, only to disappoint him. The composer of this 1968 pop tune pours his heart out for the girl of his dreams.

The lady he affectionately refers to as ‘Buttercup’ continues to wreak havoc on his mind. Buttercups are noted for their spectacular beauty and because they can be deadly to a few animals. Thus his nicknames are probably suitable.

13. “(Listen to the) Flower People” by Spinal Tap

Spinal Tap - Listen to the Flower People 1967 Music Video HD

Spinal Tap had their first big hit by embracing a psychedelic folk vibe between changing their name from the Thamesmen and releasing Smell the Glove. Tap not only had the opportunity to tour the world with “(Listen to the) Flower People,” but they also validated the reality of the flower people and the importance of listening to them. In addition, Tap’s technique impacted a slew of up-and-comers, from Nigel Tufnel’s Mozart licks to Derek Small’s pitch-perfect shushing. Kiss’ “Under the Rose” was undoubtedly influenced by “Flower People,” while the music from ‘The Elder’ cut could have been a satire.

14. “(Nothing but) Flowers” by Talking Heads

Talking Heads - [Nothing But] Flowers (Official Video)

This song takes an indirect approach to environmental activism. Talking Heads frontman David Byrne laments the loss of Dairy Queens, “honky tonks, and 7-Elevens” in a world where fields and trees have superseded humanity’s valuable real estate in “(Nothing but) Flowers.” The upside-down treatment was a breath of fresh air in a period when many college rockers were penning earnest songs about rescuing the environment. “(Nothing but) Flowers,” as clever as it is, also rings true. It’s easy to talk about recycling and other environmental issues, but how many people would be upset if their favorite joint was replaced with a field of daisies? Byrne moans, “Don’t leave me trapped here / I can’t get used to this lifestyle.”

15. “Dead Flowers” by The Rolling Stones

Dead Flowers (2009 Mix)

The Rolling Stones are experienced in flower-themed music. They named a 1967 American collection Flowers and recorded a song called “Dandelion,” Keith Richards even named his daughter Dandelion. The Stones’ song “Dead Flowers” was one of their many attempts into country music, with singer Mick Jagger adding a solid twang to his voice for laughs. The song is more about drugs than flowers. Because heroin is derived from the poppy, the title could be interpreted as a nod to that substance. Keef would never say no to a package of “dead flowers” back in the 1970s, even if sending them via mail wasn’t the best idea.

16. “Black Roses Red” by Alana Grace

Black Roses Red | Alana Grace [Lyrics!]

Danger, mystery, vulnerability, or dark feelings are all represented by black roses. Black roses are an extremely dark hue of red, purple, or crimson.

In this 2009 pop song, a woman feels empty and drowns in her loneliness. “Can you turn my black roses red?” she asks the object of her devotion, despite her fear of rejection and her desire for respite from her misery.

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17. “Plastic Roses” by Jessica Sanchez

Fake flowers are the essence of deception. Unfortunately, the heroine in this 2013 pop song is disappointed in love after falling for a player who does not reciprocate her feelings. She lies on the floor, crushed and deceived, smelling the artificial roses left by her plastic-hearted lover.

18. “Wildflowers” by Tom Petty

Tom Petty - Wildflowers (Official Lyric Video)

The title track sets the tone for what is to come on Tom Petty’s best album as the understated opener to the Wildflowers album. Tom wishes his subject freedom “among the wildflowers” and subsequently adds they belong “near to me” in the album’s first song, which captures the album’s gloomy tone. True, it’s a love song, but not in the romantic perception. Perhaps it’s a father’s blessing to his adult child.

19. “Amaryllis” By Shinedown

Shinedown - Amaryllis

You might be perplexed as to why the amaryllis would inspire a rock song. The lily is the most used term for the amaryllis. It is prized for its ability to flourish indoors in the winter. Most cultures frequently use it in funeral arrangements as a sign of innocence and transition.

In this yearning melody from 2012, the protagonist is confronting a death of sorts and evokes unwelcome catastrophes and his recent eulogy. He invites the amaryllis to bloom and exhibit its hues, stuck between an old identity that persists and one that is just beginning to flourish.

Next: The best songs about winter and cold weather of all time

20. “Coming Up Roses” by Keira Knightley

This song is from the soundtrack of the 2013 film Begin Again and is about a relationship where everything is going well for a single party.

As both of their lives take divergent paths, the writer discovers the changes that are coming. She spends her time trying to make peace with it, but she’s torn between clinging on to the present and letting go of the past.

21. “Cherry Blossom Girl” by Air

Air - Cherry Blossom Girl

When you’re shy, you can miss out on the love of your life. The protagonist of this 2004 pop song is falling head over heels for a lady he refers to as “the cherry blossom girl.” He can’t summon the guts to approach her, despite the encouragement of others. Cherry blossom girl is a slang word for the girl of one’s dreams, someone who is attractive on the outside and has a lovely soul.

22. “Push Th’ Little Daisies” by Ween

Ween - Push Th' Little Daisies [Lyrics]

Released in 1992, this ditty by American experimental duo Ween inspires mixed reactions on the audience. Depending on whom you ask it’s either the most obnoxious song ever recorded or a cult favorite. Unfortunately, the song only charted in Australia.

23. “Tiptoe Thru The Tulips” by Al Dubin and Joe Burke

Tiptoe Through the Tulips - Joe Burke | •DevilSynthesia• (Knapp)

This delightful short tune was composed in 1929. Nick Lucas, a jazz guitarist, recorded his version, which topped the charts the same year. According to the study, it was also featured in the first Looney Tunes animation, “Sinkin’ in the Bathtub,” according to study.

24. “Rose In December” by Halestorm

Halestorm- Rose In December

This is one of the best songs about flowers that talk about that once-in-a-lifetime lover you wish to spend your life with. Released in 2001, this love song is about a guy who swears that even though others have turned away, he will steadfastly endure through the most difficult of circumstances till the return of his soulmate.

Next: The most romantic love songs ever created (our list)

25. “Lilac Wine” by Jeff Buckley

Jeff Buckley - "Lilac Wine"

James Shelton wrote Lilac Wine in 1950. It’s about a forlorn lover who becomes drunk with wine made from a lilac tree. Many artists have covered it since then, including Miley Cyrus. Nevertheless, Jeff Buckley’s rendition is possibly the most well-known.

26. “Daisy” by Zedd ft. Julia Michaels

Zedd - Daisy ft. Julia Michaels (Official Audio)

Daisy, the girl, named after a gorgeous blossom, makes poor decisions when it comes to love. The narrator of this 2015 pop sensation tries to save Daisy from a shattered heart. Understandably, he believes that he is key to Daisy’s future happiness if only they were together.

27. “You Don’t Bring Me Flowers Anymore” by Barbara Streisand and Neil Diamond

Neil Diamond & Barbra Streisand - You Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore

In 1978, this song was initially planned as the theme song for a television show. It was the top hit song at its release. “You don’t bring me flowers, you don’t sing me love songs, you hardly talk to me.” were the words of Streisand and Diamond, who were a couple at the time.

28. “Fading Like a Flower” by Roxette

Roxette - Fading Like A Flower

Other feelings may endure even if love is gone. In this 1991 hit, the protagonist is still trying to let go of her ex-boyfriend.

She reaches out for him just out of habit, hoping but not receiving his presence. She fades like a bloom without water just by seeing him.

29. “Flower” by Kylie Minogue

Kylie Minogue - Flower (Official Video)

The narrator of this 2012 pop song, written when the famous singer was still undergoing treatment for breast cancer, addresses a future kid whom she may or may not ever see. This melancholy song reflects a desire to keep life lovely.

Kylie Minogue understands how much parents adore their children from when they are a sparkle in their father’s eyes till the last time they see them.

30. “Two Dozen Roses” by Shenandoah

In this 1989 country song, a man is sad after being abandoned by his unfaithful partner. He ponders whether there is a way to reclaim her love.

Sorry isn’t always enough for what you’ve done to someone else or for what they’ve done to you.

Next: The best songs about cheating on a relationship (ever made)

31. “Forget Me Nots” by Patrice Rushen

Forget Me Nots (Remastered)

In this 1989 song, a man is sad after being abandoned by the unfaithful partner. He ponders whether there is a way to reclaim her love.

Sorry isn’t always enough when it comes to what you’ve done to someone else or what they’ve done to you.

Flowers are not only lovely, but they also have a number of properties that make them ideal representations of numerous emotions and events in the world. This is why there are so many flower-themed songs available to listen to. Even if the message isn’t totally about the flower, the flower is referenced in some way. Four of these songs were covered above, and they are considered to be among the best in the world.

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