Bb Minor Chord, How to Play B Flat Minor on Guitar

You can use several different chord shapes to play B flat minor on guitar. The two most popular shapes for playing B flat minor are barre chords. There are also several variations of Bbm that are not barre chords and are more beginner-friendly. 

The B flat Minor Chord 

Like all minor chords, the B flat minor chord uses three notes from a natural minor scale. These notes are the scale’s root note, minor third, and perfect fifth.

Bb Minor Shape 1 (E-minor Barre Chord Shape)

  • Barre all six strings at fret 6
  • 3rd finger at A-string fret 8
  • 4th finger at D-string fret 8

The first most common shape for how to play B flat minor on guitar is the E-minor barre chord shape. We call it this because you will see a common shape of E minor in this chord as well as many others.

Similar barre: A flat minor guitar chord

Shape 2 (A-minor Barre Chord Shape) 

  • Barre strings 1-5 at the fret 1
  • 2nd finger at B-string fret 2
  • 3rd finger at D-string fret 3
  • 4th finger at G-string fret 3

The second common way to play the B flat minor chord on the guitar is the A-minor barre chord shape. Like the E-minor shape, you will see an A-minor chord shape within this version of B flat minor. 

Up next: D flat major guitar chord

Shape 3  (A-minor Shape)

  • 2nd finger at D-string fret 3
  • 3rd finger at G-string fret 3
  • 1st finger at B-string fret 2

Shape 3 for B flat minor uses the more familiar A-minor chord shape in a slightly different neck position. 

Take your second finger and place it on the D-string at the third fret. Move your third finger to the G-string fret three. Lastly, take your first finger on fret 2 of the second string, B. Strum only the strings that have fingers on them to play B flat minor. 

Try another chord: A sharp major guitar chord

Shape 4 

  • 1st finger at high E-string fret 1
  • 2nd finger at B-string fret 2
  • 3rd finger at G-string fret 3

This chord shape is a simplified version for playing B flat minor on the guitar. 

Use your first finger on fret one of the first string. Use your second finger on fret two of the second string, and then move your third finger on the G-string at the third fret. Strum only the highest three strings when you play this version of B flat minor. 

The Bb minor guitar chord isn’t as common as some other chords on the guitar, but the shapes you need to learn this chord are essential to learning minor chords all around the neck.

Try next: A flat major

Notes in the Bb Minor Chord

In music, you can refer to the Bb minor chord as the A# minor chord. The fingerings you play on the guitar are the same, but the names of the notes will change.

Notes in the A# Minor Chord 

  • Root: A#
  • Minor 3rd: C#
  • Perfect Fifth: E#

While the notes are the same, whether you call the chord Bb minor or A# minor depends on the key signature of the song

Try more chords:

D# major guitar chord

D# minor guitar chord

A# minor guitar chord

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