F# Chord, How to Play F Sharp Major Chord on Guitar

Some guitarists feel intimidated by the F sharp major guitar chord. Still, it forms the key of some great hit rock songs. Below, you’ll learn the basic notes and positions of F# major to make it more approachable.

How to Play F Sharp Major Guitar Chord

Bear in mind that when we refer to the guitar strings, we’re counting going 6 to 1, from left to right. 

For the first two chords, we refer to them as an E-shape and A-shape because you are essentially forming those chords while using a barre.

Now that we’ve covered those basics, we can show you a few variations to nail this chord.

E-Shape F# Major

diagram showing the f# major guitar chord to show how to play it
  • Press your 1st finger and completely bar down all the strings on the 2nd fret. 
  • Put your 2nd finger on the 3rd fret, 3rd (G) string.
  • Put your 3rd and 4th finger on the 4th fret. Place the 3rd finger to string 5 (A), and the 4th finger to string 4 (D).

From there, you can just strum down all 6 strings of your guitar. You’ll get a sound that’s not too deep nor too high, though you can adjust its pitch by using the A Shape. 

Similar chord: C# major

A-Shape F# Major

  • Use your 1st finger to bar down strings 1-5 on the 9th fret.
  • Put your 2nd, 3rd, and 4th finger all on the 11th fret.
  • The last three fingers will all take a different string on their fret. So the 2nd finger goes to string 4 (D), 3rd to string 3 (G), 4th to string 2 (B).
  • Keep the 6th string mute. 

Since the A-shaped version of the F sharp major guitar chord is closer to the bridge, it produces a lighter, more soothing sound. 

Depending on your guitar size, you also might find this easier to memorize because of the 11th fret. This is also very similar to the G sharp major guitar chord – so try that next, too.  

Bonus Easy F# Major Chord

This progression doesn’t make you mute an entire fret. But unlike the last sequences, you’ll strum 4 strings instead of 6.

  • Place your 1st finger on the 2nd fret, holding Strings 1 (E) and 2 (B).
  • Put your 2nd finger on the 3rd fret, covering String 3 (G).
  • Put your 3rd finger on the 4th fret, covering String 4 (D).
  • Don’t play strings 5 and 6 (A and E).

Then, you can strum from the 4th (D) string down. If you find that you’re still accidentally picking the 5th string, you can try holding your thumb on the two muted strings. Just don’t make it a habit since you’ll want to master fingerpicking later!

Try a slightly harder barre: G flat major


For starters, guitar chords are made up of three notes played at the same time in a triad. These notes include the root, the 3rd, and the 5th. 

When you play the F# major chord, you’re striking F#, A#, and C# in one shot. The F sharp major guitar chord is enharmonic with Gb, meaning they make the same sound. But depending on your position and progressions on a song, you may prefer to call it one or the other.

Another thing to guide your understanding of the F sharp major guitar chord is how it relates to F# minor and F

F# major is the same as a standard F chord but moved up by one fret. Meanwhile, an F # minor moves a fret (or semi-tone) down from the standard F and consists of F, Ab, and C notes. 

Keep in mind that “up” on your guitar moves toward the bridge. Meanwhile, “down” moves toward the headstock. 

Some guitarists consider the F# major difficult to play because, in most F sharp variations, you’ll have to hold your fingers down several strings of the same fret. 

Fret patterns like this are called barre chords, but there are variations to make them easier to play. On some songs, you can get away with using a capo over the barred fret to make it easier on your fingers. 

Songs in Key of F# Major

Some of the most common progressions after the F sharp major guitar chord are to B or C#. We always recommend you listen to your favorite songs in this key to pick up on what combinations go hand in hand.

If you’re ready to start practicing a song in the key of F# major, here’s a shortlist of favorites you might recognize:

As you begin to practice the F# chord, you might want to try it on the electric guitar first since it may be a bit easier. But ultimately, this is a great guitar chord to take you from a beginner player to an intermediate one.

Try more chords:

Fm guitar chord (F minor)

B7 chord on guitar

G chord (G major)

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